
Customer Support:   (972) 395-3225

Buyer's Guide

To search, simply click by category and begin a fruitful strategic alliance with North America’s finest call center solution service providers today! We also have an alphabetical list of the companies.

You may contact us at if you need additional assistance.

Basic Listing

Company Contact Information (includes URL/email)

  • Company Tagline
  • 200 - 300 Word Company Description
  • Company Logo (jpeg, gif)
  • Post up to 8 White Papers/Case Studies
  • Post up to 12 Company Press Releases

Cost: One-time Annual Fee of $517 (12 month listing)

Value To The Customer:
Targeted Brand Messaging
Potential acquisition of new call center accounts
Low investment with a possibility of very high returns
Direct Response Advertising

Please send all inquiries to:

Please include the following in your inquiry:
*Full Name, Name of Company, Job Title, Daytime Telephone Number, Company Website and Mailing Address
Carretta Holliday
Publisher & COO, Call Center Times
(972) 395-3225 phone

Reader Demographic: CEO's, COO's, CIO's, CTO's, Owners, Directors, EVP's, VP’s of Customer Care, Call Center Directors, Call Center Managers, Directors of IT, Quality Assurance Directors, System Integration Project Managers, Call Center Process Management ‘Agents’, Mission Control Analysts, Scheduling & Forecasting Supervisors, Human Resource Professionals, Call Center Trainers, Call Center Consultants, Workforce Management Experts, etc.

How To Participate In Buyer’s Guide (or our other programs):

Send inquiries to:

Complete the applicable column(s) on the following form and return by fax to (972) 395-9205:

P. O. Box 118451, Carrollton, TX 75011-8451
Bus. 972-395-3225 Fax 972-395-9205

Call Center Book of Lists' Directory

• Over 2,000 Call Centers Listed
• Each Call Center has at least One Decision Maker Listed
• Complete Contact Information
• The Directory is in Excel Spreadsheet 
• FREE Quarterly Updates
• Number of Seats
• Industry Vertical
• Includes bonus Technology Leads - (Speech Technology, Recording Solutions and ACD information)
• Quality of the database is guaranteed.  Testimonials from past and present customers are available upon request.
• Cost: Special Fall Pricing $309.95 (instead of $425)

Buyer’s Guide

Meet the leading providers of call center products and services
• Your company's listing will be posted to the following section of our website, Buyers Guide, for 12 consecutive months
• Cost: $517

Vendor Directory

This section provides a snapshot of companies in the call center market space. (without the logo)
Cost: $399 (for a 12 month listing)

Featured Partner Corporate Logo Promotion (Website)

* Cost $950

Corporate Logo Promotion (Website or Monthly Newsletter)

• Cost $500

Monthly Newsletter Advertisement/Advertorial/Promotional Piece • Cost: $275

Events/Announcements/Classifieds Advertisement 

• Webinars/Webcasts, Seminars, Call Center Space Advertisement, etc.
• Cost: $275

Job Posting (job posting will run 8 weeks)

* Cost: $175 (initial posting)

Simply complete the applicable column(s) and return by  fax to (972) 395-9205.

Company Name:______________________________________
Contact: ______________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________
City:_________________ State:____________Zip:___________
Country: __________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________

For your convenience, we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.   All transactions are final.  PCI compliant.  Please indicate your method of payment:

_____ MasterCard _____Visa _____American Express _____ Discover ____Company Check
Credit Card Number: _______________________
Expiration Date: _______________________
Name As Appears On Credit Card (Print Please) & Signature ________________________ ____________________________

Remit To:
Call Center Times
P.O. Box 118451
Carrollton, TX 75011-8451
Fax (972) 395-9205 or Email: