Telemarketing Agency for Membership Retention Calls
By Patricia Qvern, Operations Manager at Quality Contact Solutions
Membership retention is talked about a lot and it’s not a one size fits all topic. There are general guidelines and statistics about what works best if you use a professional telemarketing solution to make membership retention telemarketing calls.
In full-disclosure, I work for a company that is a telemarketing agency for membership retention calls. What I’ve learned after working with many different associations and their membership retention teams is that membership retention calls are most successful when they are part of a disciplined program. I’ll compare it to taking care of yourself. If you exercise, eat properly and take care of your emotional well-being, your overall health will be improved. Staying disciplined and steady with your membership retention efforts will ensure your association’s health is maintained and even improved. If you have to spend less time, money and resources attracting new members, you’ll find that maintaining and growing membership numbers is easier.
With so many readily available “tips, tricks, methods, and steps“, (for both your physical health and your association’s health), it’s easy to want a quick fix. But for true, long-term success, it’s a balancing act. Having a professional telemarketing solution for Association Membership Retention involves a customized strategy to fit your Association by using guidelines, metrics and tailored messaging via outbound telemarketing calls. It’s not the easiest or shortest route, but it is effective.
Professional Telemarketing Solutions: Tips and Strategies
Here are a few tips and strategies that we use to ensure a healthy membership retention telemarketing renewal call program:
· We strive to become knowledgeable about the association. We learn the history, the mission statement, what the benefits are, how it serves its members and why it’s a valuable resource.
· We strive to understand the members. Each person is unique, however, getting to know their profession and what their general “lifestyle” is, helps to better align and have an engaging conversation. Calling a fire and emergency service professional is different than calling a human resource professional. Knowing your audience is essential to having a healthy interaction.
· We take time to learn about the technical capabilities and the structure of the association. How does a telemarketing agency for membership retention calls fit in and what can we do to strengthen the relationship members have with the association? What other touches will the lapsed member receive before or after our calls?
Now it’s time to customize! We use our professional experience in the telemarketing industry to provide options that fit and create the environment for healthy, long term success. We use proven metrics and strategies to ensure the call content is customized and the call attempt strategy is suited to your membership. Plus, we’ll give you reports to track results and your return on investment as the campaign progresses.
Flexibility from startup to launch: When we start a new outbound telemarketing call campaign, we start with a solid structure customized to the association and have the flexibility to adjust any or all these variables in a timely fashion as we transition from setting up the campaign to launching the campaign.
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Patricia Qvern is an Operations Manager at Quality Contact Solutions, a leading telemarketing agency for membership retention calls. Patricia has more than 20 years of experience in the telemarketing industry in various capacities, so she is able to see the big picture and how all the pieces working together produce results. As an Operations Manager, she is responsible for managing the day to day relationship with the clients and our contact center teams.