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Are You Passive? Average? Proactive? - It Is The Mindset

by Nancy Friedman, Founder / Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, Customer Service Keynote Speaker - July 1, 2020

Are You Passive? Average? Proactive?


By: Nancy Friedman, Founder / Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training; Customer Service Keynote Speaker 

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This is NOT A TEST. It is, however, a place for you to think about your answers to customers. Very few people stay the ‘same’ day in and day out. As we interact with the world, each day presents new opportunities.

What is your natural tendency most of the time? Are you passive, average, or proactive? Knowing which you habitually fall into and which category the people around you habitually fall into can be useful. 


Let’s look at each disposition type:


Passive Disposition

The passive individual is someone who frequently receives information and generally tends to do very little or nothing with the information. 

Example: You are shopping - the person at the counter rings up the sale. There is no conversation beyond the absolute necessary to complete the transaction. There is little if any eye contact.

You hand them your credit card. It has your name on it. They never say your name. They do, however, give you back your credit card. You sometimes get a “thank you” and sometimes, get a “have a nice day” which is usually said the floor.

Same thing on the telephone. Silence on the phone can often be considered ‘rude.’ Passive dispositions are not rude or bad; however, they probably should not be directly working with customers. Maybe in the back room with their coworkers, but not with customers. They are employable certainly, just usually not in an active client situation. 


Average Disposition

As you might imagine, there are more average individuals than passive or even proactive people. 

Average folks honestly and sincerely try. They win some. They lose some. But they do miss the mark when the goal is exceptional, memorable, and exemplary customer service. They might know they are average; however, not quite sure what to do to move up the ladder.

Average people often only take it to a certain point then stop short of exemplary. In most businesses, “average rules.” Placing someone with an average disposition in customer relations is okay if you’re happy with being an ‘average’ company. “OK” is OK, it’s not GREAT. In defense of the average workers, there is room for improvement. They normally enjoy being better. So having a training program is critical. You will see a difference. 


Proactive Disposition

This is where the rubber meets the road. This is when customer service becomes “the island of excellence in an ocean of mediocrity.” 

Proactive folks thrive on interactions with others. They enjoy opportunities to make a difference. They greet you with a smile you can hear, see, and feel. 

Proactive people don’t just say “OK;” seldom using one-word answers. They talk in sentences. 

Proactive people are better, they simply excel in certain positions better. Proactive people would cringe doing a job where they are not able to interact with people. They seldom tire of asking customers good questions. They dig deeper to find a solution for the customer. 

So, ask yourself which disposition do you gravitate to? Are you passive, average, or proactive? Whichever you are, remember all the dispositions can serve customers in a positive way. 

The passive individual may do it from the back end of the business rather than up front. And there are some passive folks who would like to learn how to be a bit more proactive. At least they are willing to learn. 

The average person usually would like to know how to be more proactive. With a little TLC and some additional training, they often can transfer into a proactive mindset. 

The proactive person is the one the customers want to work with. Customers and callers will usually go out of their way to find a proactive individual to help them. They remember you better. 

The unquenchable human spirit can change and evolve. Becoming who we want to be may require hard work and dedication. Start with whatever situation you may be in or dealing with right now. How can you proactively have a positive impact in the moment? What about those around you? Think about your coworkers or customers, how can you have a proactive and positive impact on them? 

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Nancy Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, is a keynote speaker at association, franchise and corporate meetings. She is the author of nine books on customer service and sales, has appeared on Fox News, CNN, Oprah, and dozens of other radio and TV shows. You can talk with Nancy at 314-291-1012, email her at or visit


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